Profile PictureVega Fields

Digital Mandala Connector

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This Digital Mandala has been created to connect Digital Mandalas you want to use for your pet with their aura so they get the benefit of the energetic programming no matter where they go, even when they are outside of their home. There is no distance limit for the effect, the mandalas will be connected to your pet even if they are in another country.

How to use the Connector

There are two options:

1. Print out a copy of this Mandala and put it on top of printed mandalas you want to use for your pet along with their picture. When you do that for the first time put the picture of your animal beside the Connector and say CONNECT. When adding a mandala for the first time, put it beside the Connector and say CONNECT. Now the Digital Mandala Connector is sending the information from the mandala to your pet's aura.

2..Put this file in a digital folder on your device along with your pet's picture and digital files of the mandalas you want to use for them. When using it for the first time, open this file on the screen and open a file with your pet's picture. Say: CONNECT. The Digital Mandala Connector will remember your pet's energetic signature and will send to their aura the energetically programmed fields you put in the folder. When adding a Digital Mandala for the first time open the file of the mandala along with the Digital Mandala Connector and say CONNECT. Now the Digital Mandala Connector is sending the information from the mandala to your pet's aura.

About Vega Fields

We create energetically programmed fields for plants and animals. The fields are coded into audio files. They spread a beneficial energetic influence that promotes health, well-being, and harmony for plants, and animals, including pets, farm animals, or even wild and feral animals. When used plants the fields will produce various beneficial effects including vigorous growth, flowering and fruiting, pest protection, and harmonization of the plant consciousness to the human. Vega Fields are created using pure Divine energy and unconditional love. The energy is not connected to any specific religious practice or belief. The fields are created using personal intent to create an informational field that will instruct the higher self and the auric field of the animal or the plant to function optimally, in the best possible way, for its highest good.

The videos or other items we offer are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition nor are they a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. If your animals need medical help, please immediately contact a qualified specialist.

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The information provided to you is not examined or approved by FDA nor it’s meant to diagnose, treat or cure any condition. We do not offer medical advice, and the statements contain information to be used at your discretion. Please always consult your healthcare provider for any kind of medical treatment or advice. This program is intended to provide a general health benefit and it falls under the class I type. They are not meant to regulate any kind of medical or biological information as per FDA guidelines. This store and channel are just a source of information to you, and it does not provide any kind of diagnosis or treatment for medical conditions.

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Last updated Aug 6, 2023

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Digital Mandala Connector

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